This Week I Learned: 2020-10-25

  1. How to set up replication in OrientDB.
  2. I’ve been meaning to learn Docker for years, and a brand new Ubuntu install and a need to experiment with replication was the perfect opportunity. I found this video very helpful to get my sandbox OrientDB cluster up and running, although I’m sure there’s much more to explore.
  3. Microsoft Edge is coming to Linux. This feels like the scene in a teen movie where the popular kid starts pretending to be friends with the nerd so that they can betray their confidence later.
  4. A little about the Mongoose ODM JavaScript library and add-ons like restify-mongoose, from this great talk by Andrew Watkins of about the dependencies used in his project and how to choose a good library.
  5. How to boot from USB in GRUB after a minor mishap while trying to change the partition structure for my Ubuntu install.